*Ross Township Park is CASH ONLY at the gate. The Park has handicap parking spaces, paved walkways for wheelchairs and strollers, an ADA accessible picnic table and spacious restrooms.

Ross Township partners with Gull Lake Area Rotary Club and Boy Scout Troops for small volunteer projects or to help prepare Ross Township Park for the summer season. Ross Township Park opens Memorial Day weekend and closes Labor Day weekend (weather dependent). The hours of enjoyment are Monday through Sunday 9:00am to 8:00pm, including all holidays. Due to the high cost of insurance and fire risk to neighboring homes near Ross Township Park, there are NO FIREWORKS PERMITTED.
Ross Township Park is focused on a family friendly experience. No smoking on property. No alcohol on property. Grills for BBQ and picnic tables are provided for guest enjoyment. No pets of any kind permitted on the property or in vehicles while guests are on the property. Offensive, dangerous, malicious or threatening behavior is not tolerated inside the park.
Park Employment
Park Attendants handle cash and make change, rake seaweed, clean bathrooms, pick up after geese, ensure the Park is cleaned twice daily and manage trash receptacles for weekly pick up. Park Attendants occasionally lift, push and pull as much as 20 pounds, are able to work alone at the Park, provide their own transportation, are approachable, friendly, punctual, helpful and may occasionally verbally remind guests of the requirement to follow posted Park rules for every guests’ enjoyment.
Anyone interested in applying for the position of Park Attendant should come to Ross Township Office at 12086 M 89 Richland, MI 49083 to complete an application. Applications are accepted March 30th until April 30th. Interviews, meetings, training and scheduling occurs prior to Memorial Day opening.
Volunteers are always needed! Did you know that Ross Township Park is not funded by taxpayer dollars? Did you know that all of Ross Township Park’s care and upkeep is purely through amazing volunteers? Ross Township Park is a beautiful area giving guests access to swim in a sandy beach in the bright blue waters of Gull Lake. Our park is loved by many locally, and is a popular destination from outside our community. There is a daily capacity limit of 160 guests due to limited parking, regardless of passholder status.
How can you get a FREE day pass? BE A VOLUNTEER FOR ROSS TOWNSHIP PARK! Bring your book club, church group, youth group, work group and spend a day on a small project beautifying Ross Township Park, and obtain a FREE VIP DAY PASS for you to return and enjoy the park you helped to beautify. Contact Ross Township Supervisor for your volunteer day in the park.
Memorial Donations
Anyone wishing to sponsor a memorial picnic table in a loved one’s memory or to recognize a special club or organization can do so, and a metal memorial plaque is affixed to each picnic table making it extra special. Please contact Ross Township’s Office Manager to let us order your picnic table and plaque.
Park Rentals
Would you like to PRIVATELY rent Ross Township Park for a spring or fall wedding or special club or organization picnic? Please contact Ross Township Supervisor for pricing and reservation details.
Buy your park season passes at the Township starting in May (Ross Township residents get a discount with proof of address) or buy them daily at the gate!
Fees & Passes (cash only at the gate)
Daily Fees
- Daily pass resident/non-resident: $15 day/vehicle
Annual Passes
- Non-Ross Township Residents – $40
- Ross Township Residents – $25 (if Annual Pass is purchased at the Park you will be required to pay $40. You will be able to get a $15 refund by bringing your receipt and Photo ID to the Township Office)
Annual Passes may be purchased at the Ross Township Office (12086 M-89, Richland, MI 49083) or from the Park Attendants at the gate entrance.
Park Rules:
- You must have one of the following stickers to enter:
- Annual Sticker attached to inside right windshield
- Daily sticker attached to inside right windshield
- Park pay envelope stub on car dash
- No Lifeguard on duty — swim at your own risk
- No alcohol, pets, boat trailers, tents, house trailers, or nudity!
- No trespassing after posted hours of operation
- Swim within marked swimming area only
- No boats or PWC in marked swimming area
- No campfires
- All local and state laws apply to behavior within Ross Township Park
New Playground and Much More at Ross Township Park!

Ross Township Park on the east side of Gull Lake has benefitted by grant funding from the Irving S. Gilmore Foundation and the Gull Lake Area Rotary Club, in addition to hours of helping hands from the local community, including VolunTeens from Gull Lake High School. Ross Township Park has a new children’s playground and improved picnic facilities. Volunteers from the GLARC, Eagle Scouts and Township residents have spent hundreds of hours together assembling the playground, building and supplying materials inside a “little library” to enjoy while at the park, assembling an ADA-accessible picnic table, bike rack, painting, landscaping the beaches, and planting beautiful perennials.
Ross Township Park gratefully acknowledges the families who have memorialized their loved ones by investing in a bench for park guests to enjoy:
- The Poth Family and John Daughterty
- The Greenwood Family
- Stan “Papa” Hurn
- Marsha Jones
- Sally and Jim Joslin